Sonic Fighting Remix: Unlimited Match by Neo_Fire_Sonic Demo update 3 released

About time I finally released some more content, I had been meaning to share this for a while now, life gets in the
way for me doing things in general. At the moment, since as you can see “Demo” is in the title, the full game
itself is still not yet done (2 Characters left!). One of these days after I stop neglecting my full game(s) I’ll
finish these… Anyways this is Demo…. 3? maybe we should call it demo 2.5, it mostly just fixes many of the
problems from the second build, however some characters received many updates, and now, all characters in the game
have AI.
Get it at!JkE23C7T!e6CVkOhQWvOmPP_JtmOM6NnwUgzcR4Mn-KHLQIiW9l8