Category:M.U.G.E.N Documentation

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[Info] name = Name of the stage. displayname = Name to display. versiondate = Version date of stage (MM,DD,YYYY or X.XX). mugenversion = Target version of M.U.G.E.N that the stage is designed for. author = Author name.

[Camera] startx = Camera starting x-position. starty = Camera starting y-position. boundleft = Minimum x-value that the camera can move to. It must be negative. boundright = Maximum x-value that the camera can move to. It must be positive. boundhigh = Controls the minimum y-value that the camera can move to. It must be negative. boundlow = Controls the maximum y-value that the camera can move to. It must always be set to 0. verticalfollow = This value affects the vertical movement of the camera to follow the highest player. It should be set between 0 and 1. floortension = Minimum vertical distance the highest player has to be from the floor, before the camera starts to move up to follow him. tensionhigh = Vertical distance a player can get from the top edge before the camera starts to follow. tensionlow = Vertical distance a player can get from the bottom edge before the camera starts to follow. tension = Horizontal distance player is from edge before camera starts to move left or right. Typically 50 or 60. overdrawhigh = Number of pixels beyond the top of the screen that may be drawn. overdrawlow = Number of pixels beyond the bottom of the screen that may be drawn. cuthigh = Number of pixels into the top of the screen that may be cut from drawing when the screen aspect is shorter than the stage aspect. cutlow = Number of pixels into the bottom of the screen that may be cut from drawing when the screen aspect is shorter than the stage aspect. zoomout = Scale factor for the stage when the camera is fully zoomed out. zoomin = Scale factor for the stage when the camera is fully zoomed in. startzoom = Initial scale factor for the stage.

[PlayerInfo] p1startx = Sets the starting x-position for Player 1. p1starty = Sets the starting y-position for Player 1. p2startx = Sets the starting x-position for Player 2. p2starty = Sets the starting y-position for Player 2. p1facing = Controls which way Player 1 faces at the start. Set to 1 to face right, or -1 to face left. p2facing = Controls which way Player 2 faces at the start. Set to 1 to face right, or -1 to face left. leftbound = Sets the minimum allowable x-position for all players. rightbound = Sets the maximum allowable x-position for all players.

[Bound] screenleft = Minimum allowable distance between players and the left edge of the screen. Must be positive. screenright = Minimum allowable distance between players and the right edge of the screen. Must be positive.

[StageInfo] zoffset = Vertical distance of the ground level from the top of the screen, given in pixels.|The zoffset parameter is inappropriately named, but has been left unchanged for compatibility purposes. zoffsetlink = Links the zoffset value to the y-position of a background element with the specified ID number. autoturn = Leave this parameter to 1 to make characters automatically turn to face each other.|Setting this to another value will cause undesirable behavior. resetBG = If set to 1, backgrounds will be reset between rounds. If set to 0, backgrounds will continue playing. localcoord = (<width>, <height>) Dimensions of the coordinate space of the stage.|Defaults to 320, 240 if omitted. xscale = Horizontal scaling factor of offsets, velocities, sprites and animations. yscale = Vertical scaling factor of offsets, velocities, sprites and animations.

[Shadow] intensity = Controls how dark the shadow is. 0 (lightest) to 256 (darkest). Defaults to 128 if omitted. color = (<r>,<g>,) Color of shadow.|This parameter is no longer supported as of M.U.G.E.N 1.1 and will be ignored. yscale = Vertical scale factor of the shadow. Use a larger scale_y to make the shadow longer.|You can use a negative scale_y to make the shadow fall on the other side of the players.|Defaults to 0.4 if omitted. fade.range = (<top_y>, <bot_y>) Optional. Lets you set the range over which the shadow is visible.|It is used to create an effect of the shadow fading as the player gets farther away from the ground. xshear = Amount of horizontal shearing to apply to the shadow.|A positive value shears the shadow to the left of the screen.

[Reflection] intensity = Set reflect to 1 to enable reflection shadows, 0 to disable them.|Reflection shadows create a "shiny floor" effect.

[Music] bgmusic = Music file to play in the stage.|Music files are usually put in the sound/ directory. bgvolume = Adjusts the volume of the BGM being played.|0 is normal, negative for softer, and positive for louder (only for mp3, mods and CDA).|Valid values are from -255 to 255.

[BGdef] spr = Filename of sprite data (SFF file). debugbg = If is set to 1, the screen is cleared to magenta before the stage is drawn.|This makes "holes" in the background more apparent, set to 0 before release stage for distribution.

[Layers] type = <normal - anim - parallax> This specifies type element.|Normal: static sprite|Anim: animated background element|Parallax: elements give the illusion of depth for elements that appear to face upwards or downwards. spriteno = (<groupno>, <imageno>) Specifies the sprite in the SFF to display for this background element. layerno = If layer is 0, the background element will be drawn behind the characters.|If layer is 1, the element will be drawn in front of the characters. start = (<x>,<y>) Starting position with respect to the top center of the screen.|Positive x values go right; positive y values go down. delta = (<dx>,<dy>) Specifies how many pixels the background element should scroll for each pixel of camera movement in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.|Setting delta::1,1 will cause the background element to move at the same speed as the camera. mask = If mask is set to 1, color 0 of the sprite will not be drawn.|This is used in drawing objects which are not rectangular in shape. For performance reasons, mask should be set to 0 when not needed. tile = (<x_tile>,<y_tile>) Specifies if the background element is to be repeated ("tiled") in the horizontal and/or vertical directions, respectively. tilespacing = (<x_spacing>,<y_spacing>) If tiling is enabled, this line specifies the space to put between separate instances of the tile in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. actionno = Animation number that is defined in the DEF file. width = <top_width, bottom_width> (int,int)Only parallax type layers, specify the top and bottom widths of a trapezoid that has the same height as the sprite used.|The sprite will be distorted to match the shape and size of the trapezoid. The ratio of top_width to bottom_width affects the amount of shearing as the camera moves horizontally. Use width if the sprite is not preprocessed for perspective distortion. xscale = <top_xscale, bottom_xscale> (float, float) (deprecated)Only parallax type layers, scale the horizontal delta of the background element's top and bottom edge to create a horizontal shearing effect.|For example, delta :: .75, .75 amd xscale :: 1, 2 specifies the top of the sprite would move at .75 * 1 :: .75 stage units per camera unit, and the bottom would move at .75 * 2 :: 1.5 stage units per camera unit.|(This example assumes the sprite axis is at the top of the sprite.)|Either xscale or width is required, but not both at the same time. Use xscale if the sprite has already been preprocessed for perspective distortion.|Animated parallax may not be used when xscale is used. yscalestart = (float) (deprecated) Only parallax type layers, controls the change in vertical scale of the element as the camera moves vertically. Its functionality is replaced by the general-purpose scalestart and scaledelta advanced parameters.|yscalestart is the inverse of the vertical scale of the sprite when the camera is at ground level, represented in percentage.|For example, a value of 100 corresponds to a scale factor of 1, and 50 corresponds to a scale factor of 2. The value defaults to 100. yscaledelta = (float) (deprecated) Specifies the amount to add from the inverted scale factor for every camera unit the camera moves down, represented in percentage. The final scale factor is calculated using the following formula:|scale :: 1 / (yscalestart/100 + yscaledelta/100 * camera_y)|In the example above, if the camera moves up by one unit, the scale factor will be 1 / (1.00 + .012 * -1) :: 1.012, and if it moves up another unit, the scale will be 1 / (1.00 + .012 * -2) :: 1.025 and so on.|The unintuitive behavior for the yscalestart and yscaledelta parameters is the reason for deprecating these parameters in favor of the scalestart and scaledelta parameters. trans = <defaut - none - add - sub> (optional) Specifies the type of transparency blending to perform on the sprite.|default::These specify default behavior|none::no transparency|add::color addition|sub::color subtraction.|default and none both cause non-animated elements to be drawn without any tranparency blending. For animated background elements, default will use anim-specific transparency while other values of trans will override the transparency flags in the anim.|If add is specified, the alpha parameter may be used to control the blending. alpha = <src_alpha, dst_alpha> (int, int) (optional) Specifies the source and destination blend contributions when trans :: add.|Acceptable values are from 0 to 256.|Defaults :: 256,256. id = (int) This specifies an ID number for the background element. Multiple elements can share the same ID number.|The purpose of the ID number is to allow background controllers to specify which elements they are operating on. Defaults :: 0. positionlink = <link_flag> (boolean) Set positionlink to 1 to lock this element's position to the position of the element immediately preceding it in the DEF file.|If set to 1, the values of the start parameter for the current element are treated as an offset from the previous element's position. The delta parameter will have no effect in this case.|This is useful for getting large groups of elements to move in unison; if you edit the start and delta values of the first element in the positionlink chain, the effects will be seen throughout all elements the chain. maskwindow = <x1, y1, x2, y2> (int, int, int, int) (Mugen 1.1+) Specifies a masking window for the background element. A masking window is conceptually a rectangular box on the screen in which the sprite is contained.|Any part of the sprite that lies outside of the box will not be drawn. x1,y1 specifies the coordinates of the top-left corner of the window, and x2,y2 specifies the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the window.|These coordinates are relative to the stage origin (top-middle of screen). These coordinates are "endpoint exclusive", i.e. the pixels along the bottom and right edges of the window will not be drawn. If omitted, window masking will not performed. window = <x1, y1, x2, y2> (int, int, int, int) This deprecated parameter is included for compatibility and the use of it is not guaranteed to work correctly under all cases of zooming.|It specifies a masking window with coordinates relative to the top-right corner of the screen. The coordinates are endpoint inclusive. windowdelta = <window_dx, window_dy> (float, float) Specifies the movement delta of the masking window. It works similarly to the delta parameter for the background element itself. velocity = <vel_x, vel_y> (float, float) Specifies initial x- and y-velocities for the background element (these default to 0).|This functionality is also subsumed by the VelSet background controller. scalestart = <scale_x, scale_y> (float, float) Layer scale.|Default :: 1,1. scaledelta = scale_dx, scale_dy (float, float) Similar to the delta parameter, this is the amount to change the scale of the element for each unit of camera movement.|Defaults :: 0,0. zoomdelta = <dzoom> (float) Specifies the amount that the camera zoom affects the scale of the element.|A value of 0 is means the element will not change size during zoom, and a value of 1 will scale the element by the same factor of camera zoom.|Defaults :: 1. sin.x = <amplitude, period, phase> (float, float, float) Specifies sinusoidal movement for the element in the x-direction. The first parameter is the amplitude, the second parameter is the period of the motion in game ticks, and the third parameter specifies the initial phase shift of the sinusoidal motion (defaults to 0, i.e., the element will start in the exact middle of its sinusoidal range).|This parameter is basically superseded by the SinX background controller. sin.y = <amplitude, period, phase> (float, float, float) Specifies sinusoidal movement for the element in the y-direction. The first parameter is the amplitude, the second parameter is the period of the motion in game ticks, and the third parameter specifies the initial phase shift of the sinusoidal motion (defaults to 0, i.e., the element will start in the exact middle of its sinusoidal range).|This parameter is basically superseded by the SinY background controller.

[Frames] description = (<sprite group>,<image number>, <X axis>,<Y axis>,

[BgCtrlDefs] looptime = Number of ticks after which the BGCtrlDef should reset its internal timer. ctrlID = (<DEFAULTID_1>, <DEFAULTID_2>, ...) Specify the IDs of background elements to be affected by any BGCtrl that doesn't specify its own list of ctrlIDs, max 10 elements.|If ommited, all background elements will be affected.

[BgCtrls] type = (null - Visible - Enabled - VelSet - VelAdd - PosSet - PosAdd - Anim - SinX - SinY)|null: this controller does nothing.|Visible: Sets the visibility status of the elements.|Enabled: Sets the enabled status of the elements (pause).|VelSet: Sets the X & Y velocity of the elements.|PosSet: Sets the X & Y position of the elements.|PosAdd: Displaces the X & Y coordinates of the elements.|Anim: Changes the animation displayed by the elements.|SinX: Changes the amplitude, period, and phase offset for the affected elements' sinusoidal motions in the x-direction.|SinY: Changes the amplitude, period and phase offset for the affected elements' sinusoidal motions in the y-direction. time = (<start time>, <end time>, <looptime>) Times at which the background controller should start acting, stop acting, and reset its internal timer, respectively. If LOOPTIME is omitted or set to -1, then the background controller will not reset its own timer. ctrlID = (<ID_1>, <ID_2>, ...) Specify the IDs for this controller to act on, max 10 IDs. x = X value to set or add to the elements affected. y = Y value to set or add to the elements affected.