M.U.G.E.N Documentation:Background Documentation
- Definition of new stage
- *** You need create & select sff file before test.
- This default values can be edited in EmptyStage.def.
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[Info] name = "Stage00" displayname = "Stage00" versiondate = 09,30,2009 mugenversion = 1.0 author = "Elecbyte"
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[BGdef] spr = debugbg =0
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[Music] bgmusic = bgmvolume = 100
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[Camera] startx = 0 starty = 0 boundleft = -125 boundright = 125 boundhigh = -25 boundlow = 0 verticalfollow = .2 floortension = 0 tension = 50 overdrawhigh = 0 overdrawlow = 0 cuthigh = 35 cutlow = 25
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- --- Player 1 ---
p1startx = -70 p1starty = 0 p1facing = 1
- --- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 70 p2starty = 0 p2facing = -1
- --- Common ---
- Don't change these values.
leftbound = -1000 ;Left bound (x-movement) rightbound = 1000 ;Right bound
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[Bound] screenleft = 15 ;Dist from left of screen that player can move to screenright = 15 ;Right edge
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[StageInfo] zoffset = 190 autoturn = 1 resetBG = 1 localcoord = 320, 240 xscale = 1 yscale = 1
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[Shadow] intensity = 96 color = 0,0,0 yscale = .3 fade.range = 0,0
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[Reflection] intensity = 0
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[BG 0] type = normal spriteno = 0, 0 layerno = 0 start = 0, 0 delta = 1, 1 trans = none mask = 0 tile = 1, 0 tilespacing = 0,0
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[BG 1] type = normal spriteno = 0, 1 start = 0, 185 delta = 1, 1 mask = 0 velocity = 0, 0 tile = 1, 0 tilespacing = 0, 0